Bright red Schisandra berries are highly valued in Chinese medicine for their stimulating effect on the whole body. Known as the “five flavor fruit”, schisandra berries excite the taste buds with their salty, sweet, sour, spicy and bitter flavor notes. With adaptogenic properties that help the body adapt to stress whether physical, emotional or environmental, these berries are thought to tonify, revitalize and harmonize all of the body’s systems.
Wild harvested in the north of China where the schisandra vine is native, the cold climate promotes these organic berries to produce anthocyanins and lignans, antioxidants that protect the body from free radical damage. The berries are used to increase stamina, protect the liver and strengthen the nervous system and immunity.
Cut berries infuse more thoroughly into boiling water than whole berries. Get all the goodness of Worldwide Botanical’s Schisandra berries by enjoying their champagne-like liquid with a surprisingly strong flavor reminiscent of juniper berries. Drink either hot or iced and add them to recipes to enhance your health.